Dwell on These Things

Published on 13 May 2024 at 20:27

 The last couple of weeks have been a very encouraging time spent with the congregation here in Spokane Valley, I have enjoyed the opportunity to teach through the book of Colossians on Sunday mornings and to preach. This Sunday the focus was not letting the past hinder your progress in his kingdom and to remember that God thrives where you are weak.

 Especially encouraging for us was the fact that it was Mother's Day, and we were able to spend that afternoon with my mother who made her way over from Moses Lake. It was a great visit, and we were able to simply enjoy one another's company for the afternoon, roaming some in God's beautiful creation, enjoying some lunch with conversation and of course some ice cream.

  I try to make it a practice to keep my focus on the development of my family, the chosen ministry we have undertaken and also how I can become more effective in the kingdom of God and elevate his son in what I do. Those are the things that should occupy my brain space, and when I allow things in that don't really further those goals, then some of that space (we are working with quite a small one by the way) gets taken up by non-value-added thoughts that produce little to no good thing and simply waste time.

 Paul talks about dwelling on things that are true, dignified, right, pure, lovely, commendable, any of excellence, anything worthy of praise. (paraphrased Phil 4:8), I don't think that taking him to mean there are no negatives that exist and that we should simply wander through life oblivious to reality, but that the meditation of our heart be about the things of God. That even though there are definitely negative things occurring that will need to be dealt with, this is not where our mind should dwell, that our focus should be on those things of God that can produce a change even in the midst of these situations that are not so good. 

 God grant it that I may have this mind continually and by it produce the peace that can only come from Him.

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