Today we got moved to a new location in North Spokane, we will be operating out of this site for the next 4 weeks working with the Westside church of Christ in Airway Heights, WA. Not much of a move in terms of distance (12 miles) but the area is much different compared to where we were located in Spokane Valley (now we are next to Highway 2 instead of a BNSF train hub).
We definitely enjoyed working with the Valley congregation, and if we encouraged them as much as we were encouraged by them then it was a very successful time of working and growing together. We appreciate the folks there and pray that they continue to grow and do the will of God in the Spokane Valley area and we are especially thankful for their support financially to the work we are doing.

Sadly, during our time with this congregation a member named Dan Grow had passed away which I wrote about in our last blog post. At his memorial service this last Thursday I was especially moved by how many of his co-workers showed up and shared thoughts about Dan during that portion of the service. It wasn't simply that they showed up and shared, but it was what they shared about their relationship and interactions with him that encouraged me. Some had worked with him for a long period of time and others only a period of 6 months, regardless of the time spent with him they all had mentioned his Christlike character and how he was always singing.
Christ isn't simply our savior (though he is that), but he is also the image that we desire to conform to, the one that has gone on before us and asked that we follow after him. Following him requires that the old person die, and that we live as the new being that he is creating in us daily.
I asked myself this question while I was thinking about Dan and the impact he had made on those co-workers. Who is your life, who do the people around you see in your day-to-day? It used to be my co-workers that I spent 40 to 50 hours a week with, what would they say at my memorial? Now it is my family, they are my co-workers. Are they seeing me, day by day, becoming more like Him?
I'm going to die one day unless the Lord comes back before then, there will be some folks that show up to remember me (a handful at least), my hope is that what they remember best is that I strove toward looking like Christ.
Love y'all.
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